Support Our Local Non Profit Bring Food and Education to the Community
Your contribution will help us continue serving the local community through our food and bread pantries, as well as providing classes to those in need!
Making a Difference in Our Community
When you donate to Club Apaseo el Alto, you are directly impacting the lives of families in need. Your support helps us provide essential food and resources to the local community, ensuring that no one goes hungry.
Provide Unity In Our Community
We aim to provide unity in our community by offering services that aid all generations, but we cannot do it alone. Make us your local non-profit!
Support the elderly and disabled
We always tend to the elderly and offer key services such as first aid kits, wheel chair, and more. Make us your local non-profit!

Donate Today
We prioritize transparency and accountability in handling your generous donations. Your support helps us continue serving the local community through our food and bread pantries, as well as offering guitar and digital competency classes.
Donation Tiers
Choose a donation tier to support our cause
Make a Difference Today
Your donation can help us continue serving the local community and preserving our Hispanic heritage.